H5P activities list

This book includes 220 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
101Reproduction: Chromosome ComparisonMultiple Choice
102Reproduction: Mitosis1Interactive Video
103Reproduction: Fertilization and Embryonic DevelopmentInteractive Video
104Proteins: Types and FunctionsAccordion
105Proteins: Structure LevelsImage Hotspots
106Proteins: Amino AcidSingle Choice Set
107Proteins: Polypeptide ExampleImage Hotspots
108Protein Structure and Function: Mutations BadTrue/False Question
109Protein Structure and Function: MutationMultiple Choice
110Protein Synthesis: GeneInteractive Video
111DNA RNA Proteins: DNA & RNA FeaturesFill in the Blanks
112DNA RNA Proteins: BasesDrag and Drop
113DNA RNA Proteins: Base BindingDrag Text
114DNA RNA Proteins: Gene StructureImage Hotspots
115DNA RNA Proteins: Gene Structure QuizQuestion Set
116DNA RNA Proteins: TranscriptionDrag and Drop
117DNA RNA Proteins: CodonsInteractive Video
118DNA RNA Proteins: Codon ChartCourse Presentation
119DNA RNA Proteins: TranslationDrag Text
120Transcription: Basic ProcessInteractive Video
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