H5P activities list

This book includes 220 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
1813.1.1 Choose which of the following proteins will NOT have a signal sequenceMultiple Choice
1823.1.2 Nuclear transport is a passive process allowing large macromolecules like RNA to pass through the nuclear envelopeTrue/False Question
1833.1.4 Importins are insoluble nuclear transport receptors.True/False Question
1843.1.5 The importin-RanGTP complex exits the nucleus and RanGTP is stimulated to hydrolyze its GTP to GDP by Ran-GAP in the cytosol. This causes a conformational change in Ran and the consequent release of importin.True/False Question
1853.1.6 Ran-GAP is restricted to the nucleus where it can stimulate the exchange of GDP for GTPTrue/False Question
1863.1.7 Nuclear localization signal sequences are rich in the amino acid leucineTrue/False Question
1873.1.10 Don’t mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own ribosomesCourse Presentation
1883.1.11 Consider an mRNA that encodes a protein that includes an N-terminal ER signal sequenceMultiple Choice
1893.1.12 Assume that the orange protein depicted below has an internal start-transfer sequence (blue box) and an internal stop-transfer sequence (blue box).Drag and Drop
1903.1.3 The nuclear envelope is made of two lipid bilayers separated by the perinuclear space that fuse together to make pores. Scaffold nucleoproteins (nups) allow for the binding of cargo complexes on both the cytoplasmic and nuclear sides of every nucleaTrue/False Question
1913.1.8 GTPases like RAN can quickly hydrolyze GTP by removing the gamma phosphate group. This causes a conformational change that deactivates the GTPase causing it to release any bound molecules.True/False Question
1923.1.9 What experiment could you do to determine whether the intrinsic GTPase activity of RAN is important in nuclear transport?True/False Question
1933.2.1 Think about it… Why does the cis face of the Golgi not face the plasma membrane?Course Presentation
1943.2.2 Drag and drop labels to the numbers 1-11Drag and Drop
1953.2.3 Is it correct to say that the nuclear membrane part of the endomembrane system? Explain.Course Presentation
1963.3.1 Protein Trafficking SummaryDrag and Drop
1973.3.1 Protein Trafficking Summary smallerDrag and Drop
1983.4.1 Drag the correct term for each cytoskeletal structure shown in the figureDrag and Drop
1993.4.4 Match each of the following functions to each cytoskeletal structureDrag and Drop
2003.4.3 Match the structures listed below to their corresponding number on the TEM of an axonemeDrag and Drop
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